Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Precious time to myself

Just finished the piping hot pumpkin soup from soup spoon. I bought the prepacked packet and heated it up at home instead. It tasted just as good as the fresh soup served at their outlets. Except here I get to enjoy my own music, at a suitably loud volume. Haha and not to forget the jealous greedy Summer staring at me (or was it my soup). I've cut a slice of Sara Lee pound cake, thick and fat. I care less about the sinful kind of fat these days, what a pleasure!

WW is out with his supervisor for dinner today. I'm lavishing the time to myself and treasuring it before I lose all (almost, I'll make sure I still have my own space) freedom. Shall give WW some time to himself too.

Tomorrow marks the start of a new financial year for our company. There are organization changes and we'll see how things play out. For me the small fry, I'm indifferent to it and life simply goes on.

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