Thursday, January 01, 2009

过大礼 - 28 December 2008

It's the turn of the year but honestly speaking, I'm quite indifferent to such occasions now. It's not that I don't envision a better 2009, but some things you can never predict (like the economy) and it could be better to go with the flow. Make full use of every opportunity rather than carry with yourself a baggage of expectations which at the end of the day may not be fulfilled.

2008 has seen me through many changes - from my decision to enrol in MFE in Feb, then our ROM in June, then my taking of leave to take up the full-time MFE from July and the busy wedding preparations in December. It has indeed been enriching and fulfilling. And 2009 will be an extension of that, plus the actual living together with WW after our customary two days later. Compared to the times before WW flew to Aussie for work in late Sep, things are much more settled now and I feel comfortable living together with him and his family.

WW's family and mine did the 过大礼 last Sunday, with both families exchanging betrothal gifts. Let the pictures below explain the process:

Washing basins, wooden clogs, sewing kits and toothbrushes. These were part of the gifts from the bride's family to the groom's.
My bro placing our side's betrothal gifts into the basket from the 男方. We were supposed to return gifts.
Mama & Papa helping out in the packing
WW brought along his sister and his aunt, who acted as the 媒婆. Fluffy merrily joined in the fun.
WW showing the 四点金. Modern gold pieces which I will be wearing out.
Sesame candy bars

Reaching for my Happiness
The Wong siblings :)

Two more days to customary, banquet and lunch reception (the day after). Then off to Bali for 4D3N honeymoon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My brother also having the 过大礼 (bethrodal gifts exchange ceremony) this Sat. Was just wondering where you get the big, beautiful basket to put the gifts in. Do you know of any place I can rent it? Thanks and "新婚快乐!"