Monday, May 14, 2007

I seek liberation

During JC, I was mindful of my sleeping hour and would strive to tuck in to bed early for a more refreshing following day. In Uni, I used to be more free in deciding my sleeping hours, often going to bed only at wee hours of 1 plus am. How I like those carefree days. These days since working, I've instilled a mental alarm in me to remind and hasten myself to finish off my things preferably before midnight so that I can have an earlier night.

But often, especially since taking up more personal activities during the weekdays, it is tough to keep to this good habit. Many a times, I have to deal with a personal dilemma - to continue surfing/ working or to sacrifice on doing these few more things to get an early night's sleep. On one hand I know it's good for the body to get ample rest and sleep, on the other hand I want more time to do my things, a long list of them. If I choose to stay up longer, I end up being regretful for the lack of sleep; if I choose to sleep, I would be grouchy at that point in time for not getting to do the things I like. Such a hard balance.

This internal struggle, though it might look small to you, was bugging me to no end. So I've decided to make choice now to liberate myself from this struggle, which explains why I'm still blogging at 12.30am now. Heck all the considerations about feeling sleepy at work, about body not getting enough recovery and repair time, about having the good of both.

As long as it makes me happy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

me same problem :(