Thursday, July 19, 2007

Abendessen mit liebe Freunde

Jen, OY, Ben, KH and me @ 天天火锅

Es war Abendessen mit kurse Freunde. Wir haben began die Deutsche kurse zusammen im Januar 07.

It's nice to know new friends who are down-to-earth and come from similar background. We have known each other for more than half a year now but will be going our separate paths with one flying to Germany for work (2 months) at the end of the month, another to Japan for 2-3 years at the end of the year and the two guys continuing their course into A2.1 module. I'm still undecided. It has been an interesting course and it's something of my interest. However, the work load is getting hard to bear and I'm afraid I might not have the time for regular Deutsch lessons. Most likely I'll have to stop.

Today I got some hints of possible new path to uncover in the near future. Can't wait longer for the new challenge! But gotta take the first step.

Sidenote: Don't encourage guys to take up engineering if they have no passion in that field. First the course is hard to pass or score, second the prospects not as glamorous as finance, lastly love life may not be that colourful for the guys. But my dear brother is not listening to his sisters.. he may just be heading down the path of a hardworking engineer. But we believe in him and respect his choice. All the best to Shou Bi when he starts his NTU course next month!

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