Friday, October 02, 2009

Sea gazing

It is the time of the year when the sun sets early and the sky gets dark at slightly after 7pm. Tho singapore is a tropical country without seasonal weather, slight differences in daylight hours could be seen and felt. Feels kinda sad that the day ends earlier and the lovely sunset goes away this fast. But then gotta be thankful we're not in Europe where the sun could set like at 5pm.

I'm having the luxury to sit by the sea, to gaze out into the vastness and listen to the waves. We should take such breaks more often, to get in touch with our soul and unclutter our mind. I was at NUS for a symposium earlier today, and took the chance to come west coast park, the place WW and I used to come by while he was staying at west coast road. Reminiscent of uni days, just that I don't miss those days as much as before coz it has been quite a while (5 years) afterall.

Perhaps I should go venture to some seaside on my leave day two weeks later :)

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Ordinary Doggie said...
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