Was dozing off on the bus to work, half reading through some notes from work and half struggling to keep my eyes open. Boohoo, so sad to be slipping into sleep from reading notes rather than from soothing pampers (hee).
Just now WW’s mum and sis drove by CBD to pass me their handmade dumplings! Very nice of them to take the effort to come all the way to my office, happy happy. It’s 端午节today, also termed the Dragon-boat Festival where people eat dumplings to commemorate 屈原’s noble death. An ancient story behind this festival which explains why people used to throw dumplings into the sea on these dragon-boats to fend off fishes eating屈原’s body. Can’t remember the whole story as I have a not-so-good memory!
Had lunch with sis just now. She had a salmon sandwich and me a blueberry muffin, not before we had a big cup of papaya milkshake each, which explained the half-eaten food on our plates. But such is the pleasure of dining with someone with the same taste and preference; you don’t have to care about your improper eating habits. Won’t feel bad for eating junk food for a meal, yeah!
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