I'm in the midst of exam period, with the first paper of this mini-term down three hours ago. And with my heart dismayed by many degrees. I flunked a huge part of a 25-marks question while it was supposed to be an easy paper! All those late nights made me more stupid. So I resolved to sleep early and if need be, to wake up earlier to study instead. After talking to WW on the phone, I felt better and felt I shouldn't think too much about that paper. Two more to go!
Come Friday night I'll be free! At least for the next three weeks, where we'll be taking our much-deserved break. All those 4.5 months of cheong-ing have been pretty tiring on our mind and soul.
Come Friday night I'll be free! At least for the next three weeks, where we'll be taking our much-deserved break. All those 4.5 months of cheong-ing have been pretty tiring on our mind and soul.
Some pictures taken in the past two weeks below: