Saturday, April 05, 2008

About blings

It was a happy moment yesterday seeing my friend chose the significant big rock for his gf. Although he burnt a big hole in his pocket, he was both anticipative and happy after making the purchase. I was asked along to Larry Jewellery to do a direct comparison between my bling from Blue Nile and the one with the Lazare cut in Larry. He needed some internal persuasion and conviction to be sure he had got the best deal. Congrats to my friend and (especially) his fiancee-to-be!

Happy that WW is back from his work trip to Australia. It sure felt like a long while since he's been away but now that he's back in Singapore we can spend our precious weekends together again :) There is quite a lot on our agenda this weekend - hotels / restaurants recees!


Stephie said...

Hey girl!
It's great hearing how your wedding preps are progressing! How? Have you narrowed down to any choices? What about gowns?? Have you started browsing mags for ideas??? this is gona be so exciting for you and WW!!!!

Anonymous said...

congrats babe! i spy ur wedding is in dec. when isit? oh no, i sure hope our wedding dun clash!