What are those black little things flying just a little above the ships at the sea? So I went nearer the window to have a second look, and realised those were Chinooks flying so low just above the sea! Looking like black houseflies hovering above a bowl of soup. Hee hee.
Since the Man is working in an Air Base now, I’ve increased that little bit of knowledge on aircrafts, but still has yet to see for myself the Super Puma he maintains. What I know is that it is tough keeping that thing in tip-top condition, and damn stressful when it comes to incidents occurring. If you want an easy life, avoid fire-fighting work.
Feeling a little sian that I’ll be heading home after work today as it’s a public holiday eve. But, I promise to leave at 6pm! Intending to catch PM’s National Day speech and get an idea of his vision for Singapore’s future. Our 铁饭碗s will depend on that. And hopefully I’ll be able to chart clear directions for own career soon.
Looking forward to a day without work tomorrow! Feel like going for a picnic at Fort Road, Cosy Bay area, but don’t know if WW is keen coz there’ll be lotsa people who will be trying to catch the fireworks from the National Stadium. And would be good to have Apa Ama go along for the fireworks display.
Adding on...
- 内在美 (wahaha)
- Sports Shoes (coz I have taken Tian’s for a long while; it’s time to return)
- Vitasence moisturizer
Can’t wait!
that's interesting.
Think you really saw butterflies!chinooks did not fly today!
Hoho... forgot to mention that the first paragraph was drafted yesterday, but didn't had the time to post them up till today.
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