Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Childhood Fantasies

Some of us friends cum colleagues were talking about teleports and how nice it would be to have them. This reminded me of my many childhood fantasies, of which one was to invent a teleport. Imagine the convenience of going anywhere, anytime you like. Another fantasy was to make myself invisible in front of my class-mates, with them wondering where I have gone to in the split second. Or having a time-reverser machine, going back to the moment where I wish to turn back events. I remember the desire for this invention was most strong when I failed to submit the points I’ve collected for the Scientist badge card thingy (if you recall the blue cards with various star-weighted tasks in it) on the last day of submission. Another one was to have a mind-reader (to be instilled only in my brain, no one else’s, hee) for me to understand exactly what thoughts each has.

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