Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My iPhone keeps me happy

Listening to my Chinese and canto music on iPhone, reminiscing the carefree school days that were not that long ago but somewhat felt ages back, surfing bloomberg news on the go, knowing exactly what time my bus will arrive, and playing the little mindless games. The little pleasures derived from the seemingly small, but powerful, iPhone. :)

yesterday was a busy day at work, kinda expected given the Monday holiday break. I left the office at close to 9pm, but was still feeling fresh and good. There are new things to learn and non-mundane stuff to do. Looking at how my colleagues are doing tho, it is important to be prompt and to have clear thinking which will translate into clear and accurate messages in writing. Judging from how things go, it may be tough times for one of my colleagues. Hmm.

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