Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekend is too short!

As usual, the weekend was kinda short, especially when we had a long one last week. This weekend was pretty busy, with me occupied with work and studying (for FRM). Spent some time at Cedele reading FRM book 1 (I'm slow!) , sipping green tea latte and eating a golden pumpkin roll. WW joined me after his haircut. He's independent and gives me my space to study :) Now I'm looking forward to nov when I can start to read my leisure books again.

Last night I dreamt of my big boss, about how friendly she was to me when I bumped into her at a govt agency. Maybe that will get translated into real life at work. But then I'd prefer dreaming about other things.

It's a dreaded Monday, may we all have a smooth and short day at work.

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